What the Heck is Twitter Blue: Why Do You Need it to Get Verified on Twitter?‍

What the Heck is Twitter Blue: Why Do You Need it to Get Verified on Twitter?‍

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August 10, 2023
What the Heck is Twitter Blue: Why Do You Need it to Get Verified on Twitter?


Twitter Blue, the new subscription service by Twitter, offers an array of exclusive features designed to enhance your Twitter experience. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing world of Twitter Blue and explore why it has become essential for users aiming to attain that coveted blue verification badge. Join us as we uncover the power of Twitter Blue and its role in unlocking the verification journey.

Unveiling the Exciting Features of Twitter Blue:

Twitter Blue introduces a range of innovative features that not only amplify your Twitter interactions but also play a crucial role in your verification aspirations. Let's take a closer look at these features and understand why they are indispensable for users seeking verification.

  1. Edit Tweet:

Twitter Blue empowers you with the ability to make changes to your tweets within a 30-minute edit window. This feature holds particular significance for users aspiring to get verified, as it allows them to refine and polish their content before it reaches a wider audience, ensuring accuracy and professionalism in their online presence.

  1. Bookmark Folders:

With Bookmark Folders, Twitter Blue subscribers can organize and save tweets for later reference. This feature proves invaluable for users on their verification journey, as it enables them to curate a collection of their most impactful tweets, showcasing their expertise, thought leadership, and engagement within their niche.

  1. Custom App Icons:

Personal branding is crucial for those seeking verification, and Twitter Blue offers the ability to customize your app icon, adding a touch of individuality to your Twitter profile. By choosing a unique app icon, users can distinguish themselves, making their accounts more visually memorable and increasing their chances of standing out in the verification process.

  1. Text Formatting:

Twitter Blue subscribers enjoy the ability to format their tweets by bolding and italicizing text. This feature not only adds visual appeal but also enhances the clarity and impact of important messages. For users aiming for verification, effective text formatting can help convey expertise, credibility, and attention to detail, ultimately bolstering their verification prospects.

  1. NFT Profile Pictures:

The inclusion of NFT profile pictures allows Twitter Blue subscribers to showcase their unique digital assets and add an extra layer of personalization to their profiles. For users aspiring to be verified, incorporating NFTs can signal authenticity, creativity, and ownership of valuable digital assets, contributing to a compelling verification application.

  1. Themes:

Twitter Blue offers a selection of themes that allow subscribers to personalize the appearance of their Twitter platform. By choosing a theme that aligns with their brand or personality, users can create a cohesive visual identity, capturing the attention of verification reviewers and demonstrating their commitment to building a professional online presence.

  1. Custom Navigation:

Custom Navigation empowers users to tailor their Twitter experience by selecting the items they want to see in their navigation bar. This feature enables easy access to essential elements such as mentions, notifications, and direct messages. For users pursuing verification, efficient navigation enhances their engagement, responsiveness, and overall user experience, crucial factors in the verification process.

  1. Spaces Tab:

The exclusive Spaces Tab within Twitter Blue offers seamless access to audio content, including podcasts and live discussions. For users aiming for verification, utilizing Spaces provides a platform to showcase their expertise, engage with their followers, and establish themselves as trusted voices within their respective communities.

  1. Top Articles:

Twitter Blue's Top Articles feature curates a list of the most-shared articles from people you follow, amplifying valuable content within your network. For users seeking verification, staying informed and sharing insightful articles demonstrates active participation and thought leadership in their field, positively influencing the verification review process.

  1. Reader:

The Reader feature transforms lengthy threads into an easily digestible format, allowing users to enjoy a clutter-free reading experience. This feature is particularly relevant for users on the verification journey, as it helps convey complex ideas coherently and encourages engagement with their content.

  1. Undo Tweet:

Undo Tweet gives you the power to retract a tweet before it becomes visible to others. This feature offers a valuable opportunity for users seeking verification to review and refine their tweets, ensuring they align with their intended messaging and reflect their professionalism and expertise accurately.

  1. Prioritized Rankings in Conversations:

Twitter Blue grants priority rankings to your replies and tweets you interact with, increasing their visibility and engagement. This feature is highly advantageous for users pursuing verification, as it elevates their contributions to conversations, positioning them as active and influential figures within their communities.

  1. Longer Video Upload:

Twitter Blue subscribers can share longer videos, up to approximately 60 minutes in length and with a file size of 2GB (1080p). This feature enables users to deliver more comprehensive and engaging video content, perfect for showcasing their expertise, insights, and captivating storytelling.

  1. Half Ads:

Twitter Blue reduces the frequency of ads in the For You and Following timelines, ensuring a more organic and immersive user experience. For users aspiring to be verified, the reduction in ads allows their tweets to gain better visibility and prominence, increasing their chances of being noticed during the verification process.

  1. Longer Tweets:

Twitter Blue eliminates the 280-character limit, allowing subscribers to express themselves with up to 10,000 characters. This expanded character count empowers users to share more detailed insights, tell compelling stories, and showcase their expertise, providing ample room for verification reviewers to assess their content and contributions.

  1. SMS Two-Factor Authentication (TFA):

Twitter Blue offers an added layer of security with SMS-based two-factor authentication. Protecting your account with TFA ensures that your online presence remains secure and trusted, a vital consideration for users pursuing verification.

The Path to Verification: Twitter Blue's Eligibility Criteria:

To obtain verification through Twitter Blue, users must meet specific eligibility criteria set by Twitter. These criteria include having a complete profile with a display name and profile photo, active use of the account in the 30 days leading up to the subscription, and a confirmed phone number associated with the account. Meeting these criteria is a crucial step towards attaining the blue verification badge, signifying authenticity and credibility.


Twitter Blue not only enriches the Twitter experience with its exclusive features but also plays a significant role in users' journey toward verification. By leveraging the diverse capabilities of Twitter Blue, individuals can optimize their online presence, establish credibility, and increase their chances of obtaining the prestigious blue verification badge. Upgrade to Twitter Blue today and unlock a world of possibilities on Twitter while embarking on your path to verification.

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Filippo Bustamante

About the author?

Filippo Bustamante is a seasoned professional in the field of content creation and community building, with four years of experience under his belt. As the founder of his own personal brand, The Woods In May, Filippo has established himself as a prominent content creator and expert video editor.